Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tell me about it, stud.

My friend Halle sent me a switchblade comb in the mail. I can't even describe how excited I was when I saw it.
Immediately went into greaser mode. This picture got a lot of attention...positive attention. I was trying to be silly, but apparently this is a good look for me. The funniest part about the whole ordeal is how shocked people seemed to be by my appearance...


I feel like it's been months since I've been able to sit down and craft. While that's not entirely true, it's somewhat accurate. I started my job in July and since then I haven't really had a whole lot of time, or energy, to sit down and sew.

I have something like 20 orders to fill, or at least 20 or so items to make, plus I have goodness knows how much to get done for the county fair and for the arts and crafts fair I'm selling at in October. Deadline for the fair is the end of September, and I'm only submitting a few things, but I will need to restock completely on merchandise for the arts and crafts thing in October which will take me pretty much the whole month of September if not longer.

NOW my boss is thinking about trying to get me to work full-time a loooot sooner than she had originally planned. When-oh-when will I fit all of this into my life? Why can't I make enough from sewing to quit my job?!


Doesn't really require a clever title. They're CUPCAKES.
Strawberry and cream cheese. Pink cupcakes with blue wrappers. Blue frosting with pink sprinkles.

Happy happy.

Talk Nerdy To Me

If you're on Tumblr, there's a good chance you've seen the meme going around the past several hours of topless, bespectacled, babes and babe-ettes inspired by a few friends of mine.

I did one earlier today with my Elvis cookbook, but since it was so spur of the moment, it wasn't my favorite picture of myself. Thought I'd put a slightly more sultry picture out there promoting how sexy designerds can be. And what's sexier than a girl with a copy of Hand Job? ;)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dear, Self

Sometimes the truth hurts.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mi Vida Logo (Honey Depot).

Even though I turned in the ad yesterday, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be liked by the business based on Christina's reaction, I got a random idea for this design earlier this afternoon. Haven't done much of anything today. I just got done re-designing an ad for a business I hear is very particular about their design. They've apparently been using the same ad for a really long time and I basically did the exact opposite...as per my boss's request... we'll see. I'm just glad that as a designer I don't have to deal with the public and that everyone I work with seems to think I'm ridiculously talented, haha. :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pretty In Magenta and Black?

I'm only allowed to use black and magenta on the coupon for this salon. Would it be pushing it if I just made it look like the Pretty In Pink cover?

....probably, hahaha.

Even MORE fake coupons!

Monday, August 16, 2010

If only the greatest people I know didn't live so far away

In case you can't read it, it states as follows:

Reasons for me the be your BEST FRIEND

1. I love you!
2. I always want you 'round
3. I have a pool!
4. And a rollercoaster!
5. And fabric stores!
6. I am nice! And fun!
7. I will drawr you pikshurs!
8. I will take care of you forevah!
9. Bears & Pears Belong together!

Pear is one of the loveliest people I know, and we've never even met. I can't count how many times she has cheered me up and made me feel like a very important person. People like this need to be physically in my life forever. <3

Daily Drawings 8-16-10

It's been a bad day.


Hello, there, boys and girls! It's late and I'm exhausted and I would love nothing more than to just collapse into my bed and fall fast asleep, but that's not going to happen. My oh-so-humble abode looks like it was hit by a tornado and I can't seem to find my bed :/ I wish I lived a normal life where I could just crash on the couch when everything is too piled up to deal with, but... I don't.

Hugs and Kisses.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

More foam crafting.

Yesterday I made this little bird and 4 more cheeto pins. I was pleasantly surprised about the bird, because I can't even draw one.

Two of Us...

I opted to buy these dishes today. I've wanted them a little while and they're on sale so I figured I should buy them before they're gone.

I bought a pitcher, two bowls, and two plates. One for me and one for...you...whoever you are. I'm thinking about maybe getting more if they're still there on payday, but I kind of like the idea of just a set for two. If only there was another person to share them with.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pizza Crew Coloring Page 2

Another coloring page
for Pizza Crew.
It's supposed to be a knock-off TMNT, not a real one.


The other day on the way home from work I saw this spray painted on a train.

I have never been so upset with anyone or anything that I thought “Shit, get me some spray paint and find me a train! I AM SO PISSED I GOTTA WRITE THIS ON A TRAIN!”

I wonder where this happened. I wonder what Smith Self Service did to this person to make them so terribly upset.

More mock coupons!

There are a bunch more, but these are some of my favorites I've done this week.

Dangerously Cheesy Jewelry.

My friend Jazzy said she wanted a Cheeto pin and when I inquired as to if she meant a pin that looked like a Cheeto she said yes, and that Jason Schwartzman had one, and said for me to make her one.

I agreed and went to the craft store directly after work. It's made of a foam egg that I sculpted with my fingernail in the car and some orange paints, glossy glaze, hot glue (that I had to melt with a candle because I can't find my gun) and a pin-back. I wanted to use a tie pin, but the store didn't have any.

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Been A While (Doodle Portraits)

Haven't done one of these in what feels like ages. Actually it feels like I did one fairly recently, but I don't think I did, haha. Yes I did, I just hated it.


Since we have to give her extra attention now that she has her "condition", I brought Lucy in here to hang out while I clean.

First she batted around some sparkly pom-poms that came in a package the other day.
Then we played "monster in a red plastic bag".
Then she got on my bed to take a nap.

I tried to get her to wear a mustache, but she ate it instead.

Not-So-Daily Drawings 8-8-10

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pizza Crew Coloring Page

Illustration/Coloring Page I made for Jazzy's Pizza Crew. My Pizza Crew name is Mona Pizza.

Go, Pizza, Go, Pizza, Go!

Tea For Two

Silly little doodle done with a tea-loving friend in mind.

In Moleskine We Trust

This is the cover of the moleskine I use to balance my money in so I don't wake up one day, broke, and can't remember where all of my money went!

Is there a such thing as CRAFTERNITY LEAVE?

It's high school all over again. Why should the pregnant girls get special treatment? Pregnant women in the workplace get to take time off for pregnancy, but why don't the rest of us get some sort of special leave for things that are just as important to us?

I don't make babies. I make plushies.

I really think there needs to be a such thing as "crafternity leave", so I can take off a month and a half to sew inventory for Art In The Park in October!

My cat needs antidepressants

She's been twitching for the past few weeks and we've been terribly worried about her. The vet didn't seem to think anything was wrong. Lastnight I finally googled her symptoms (we thought it was an allergic reaction to a bug bite at first so we were googling what she SHOULD be displaying). It turns out she has feline hyperesthesia syndrome. I know it's never the best idea to diagnose via the internet, but the symptoms are spot on and I youtubed videos of other cats with the same disorder and it's the exact same thing Lucy has. Basically the internet says to spoil her rotten (at least that's what it comes down to) and that antidepressants can help. It turns out it's common in Siamese cats, and she's half, but it can happen to all cats.

This cat seems to have it about as bad as Lucy does.

Some "Daily" Illustrations

In my defense, I thought it would move before I could ever actually flick it :)

It's been a long time coming. My right calf tries to cramp up every morning lately when I stretch. This morning, however, it went full on charley horse. (This drawing is much more interesting than a drawing of a leg muscle.)

No waffle fries in two entire towns and then I forgot to buy lighters!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Work work work

I sort of like this. Wish this was the kind of thing I got to do at work every day. In fact, they probably won't even let me use this. Wah wah wah.