Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cabin Fever? Stir Crazy?

Nope. None of the above. In reality I'm suffering from a little PMS, boredom, and the frustration that comes from a whole city with not one single copy of Northern Exposure season 5.

Quite possibly my favorite TV show of all-time. Every few years I go through a big Northern Exposure phase where I become deeply addicted to the show and start wishing the town was real and frozen in time and start longing to run away to Alaska (even though the show was filmed in Washington... which I also love, so I could deal with that). The Hallmark Channel played reruns when I was in high school, I would watch it every night, remembering bits and pieces from when I was a kid and it was still on the air. When Hallmark got rid of it, I bought the first two seasons on DVD. Then several months ago I re-watched them and bought the next two. I'm currently on the last disc of season 4 and before I go into my own proverbial hibernation and start sewing for 2 weeks, I thought I'd grab season 5.

No such luck, I'm afraid. After transferring $43 from paypal to my bank account to run to town and buy season 5, I was left disappointed. First of all, my cash is stuck in limbo for a few days, and to top it off, there are 0 copies of any season in town now. So I opted to order it, but my money is still stuck neither here nor there and takes paypal but my paypal money is now on its way to my bank account and goodness knows when it will arrive. Then I have to wait 2-15 days before I get the DVDs and by then I'll be at least half-way through my sewing and completely done with season 4.

Oh well!

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