Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter Embroidery Pt. 2

I had originally wanted to make a "Weasley is Our King!!" one and we really excited to see that Kim included one in her bonus patterns, but chose to redraw it because her design wasn't working for me.

I didn't follow her patterns exactly on a lot of these, but I don't think what I paid to use her patterns was an unfair price to be inspired!

I'll post the finished product probably after Harry Potter tonight! :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harry Potter and the Hoops of Embroidery

I bought some Harry Potter patterns from Kim Smith to make embroidered badges to wear to Deathly Hallows tomorrow. I know most people are trying to get into midnight showings, but it's a tradition for my sister and I to go the day it officially opens to the latest show. We got our tickets yesterday afternoon. Going Friday night, however, gives me time to finish these up and get the badges assembled. I am pretty excited!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What I Wore Today - 11/10/10

Skinny Jeans
  • Black tank top
  • $5 crystal necklace from the UFO festival
  • Men’s plaid shirt (that was too uncomfortable so I changed into my turquoise cardigan)
  • Moccasins
  • Peace belt
  • Braided headband that won’t stay on my head
  • Hair that I took the time to “fix” and no one even noticed

I look like an old hippie. And old MAN hippie.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I Wore Today - 11/5/10 & 11/6/10

  • New peace sign belt
  • New “jeggings” because my other pair of jeans ripped
  • Leopard print shoes
  • $2 tank top
  • “Where’s Waldo”/Bob Dylan sweater from Seattle

I was worried about wearing this to work because I didn’t want any remarks about looking patriotic. I wore it anyway because “technically it’s orange”…unfortunately I was greeted the moment I walked in with “You look so patriotic today!” To which I replied “It’s orange.”

  • Gray and black striped cardigan
  • Turquoise polka-dot tank top ($3)
  • Denim leggings
  • Leopard shoes
  • Owl bling ($10)

Looked and felt like crap today, but…meh. I actually wore a belt half the day, too. And I don’t know how often I’ll wear that necklace. It weighs like 10 pounds and doesn’t really make the screwed up nerves and muscles in my neck feel great.

File under: Things I Need in My Life

Cannot express how much I adore stuff like this. I need these ESPECIALLY when I go to Target where people are notorious for making up their own parking places.

Giving today the bird.

Yesterday and several parts of today deserved the bird. Two even.
(for Henny)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Josh & Genevieve

Yesterday was Josh and Genevieve's 1 year anniversary.
She wanted to make a coloring book to give to him and asked people to contribute.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gift Guide Ads! (aka I hate spot color ads!)

Blogspot still won't work on my home computer, so it's been a while since I've had a chance to update. Currently working on ads for the Christmas Gift Guide. Spot color drives me nuts.