Thursday, September 23, 2010

What I Wore Today - 9/22/10

My outfit wasn't too impressive. I was too busy dying of kidney pain and having dirty hair.
  • Purple and gray rose tunic with crochet-y sleeves
  • Blue skinny jeans
  • Moccasins

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What I Wore Today - 9/21/10

  • Dark blue skinny jeans
  • Zombie shoes

  • $5 tank top

  • $3 cardigan

  • Wooden peace sign pin

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What I Wore Today - 9/16/10

I wish I did these more often but I get too lazy to keep up with this sort of stuff!

  • Dark blue skinny jeans
  • Zombie flats
  • Yellow Roswell Daily Record shirt with one of Keith's illustrations
  • New gray puffed-sleeve cardigan. I call it my Lady Gaga cardigan
  • Black silver and enamel sugar skull pin
  • Yellow lucite peace sign pin
  • Clear lens glasses with black-clear ombre frames
  • Purple bow headband
I forgot to draw my necklace and I had on some friendship bracelets as well.

Color Quiz

Your Existing Situation
"Creative and emotional, looking for ways to further expand those qualities. Looking for a partner who enjoys the same activities. Seeking adventure and new and unusual activities."

Your Stress Sources

"Has high standards and wants to make friends with those who have equally high standards; however, she has been unsuccessful in building these types of relationships. she is feeling under appreciated and her self-esteem is damaged because of it. she is uncomfortable with the situation and wishes to escape, but refuses to make compromises or lower her standards. Puts off resolving her problems because she afraid of the conflicts it may cause. In order to feel secure, she needs to feel appreciated by others so they will do what she asks of them and respect her opinions"

Your Restrained Characteristics

Feels unhappy and isolated because she is unable to succeed in finding the cooperation and understanding she desires.
"Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. she is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity, as long as there is not a lot of conflict or emotional difficulty."
Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

Your Desired Objective

"Wants interesting and exciting things to happen in her life. she is able to make others like her, because of her genuine concern for them. she is charming and open and makes friends easily. she can have an over-active imagination, which leads her to fantasize and daydream."

Your Actual Problem

"Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities. Tries to takes the characteristics she likes in other people and apply it to herself as well as coming across as a unique individual."

Your Actual Problem #2

"Feeling tension and stress brought on by situations which are out of her control, leaves her feeling helpless, anxious, and in adequate. she tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go her way and her desires are easier to reach."
Color Quiz

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Keith Bell Wins At Life!

I work at a desk right next from the cartoonist for the newspaper, who also happens to be an ex-instructor of mine from college. We've always gotten along really well and, not to toot my own horn, I've always been one of his favorite students. We recently had a conversation about a monkey trophy which turned into an inside joke. I looked for an actual monkey trophy for him, but the only one I can find costs too much for me right now, so I drew him this lastnight and left it on his desk.

He was really excited about it today and hung it on his wall next to a bunch of prints of his from the paper. My artwork pales in comparison to his, but it's still really awesome.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fake Coupons

I haven't really felt like posting my work-work lately... mostly most of it has not been posting worthy, but here is a "coupon" I made today. Work is such a drag lately!

Productive Day At Work

Searching the internet at work for yarn pictures for ideas for an ad. Came up with a whole lot of great stuff I can't use, but is fun to look at!

Alas these images remind me of how undproductive I'm being in my own crafting life. I have about a month to secure my booth for the craft fair and about the same amount of time to produce ALL of my inventory. I just want to curl up like the kitten in the last picture!

For the rest of the week I need to focus on making 16 calaveras. (That's just this week's task)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Crafting update 2

I managed to get the rest done today. I don't know about the one in front though. I've been having a tough time with embroidering the Ziggy Stardust ones. The one I made for this customer came out terrible, so I made one with felt lightning but I don't know if I can sell the customer on it. Hope so. Much cleaner-looking. For the most part they look better than some of my old ones, but it's been so long since I've sewn any. Now I have to figure out how much merchandise to make for the art fair.

Crafting update.

I got my first sort-of complaint on etsy yesterday. I had some customers order some things a few weeks ago and I haven't had the time or energy to get them out. I now know why I've been so exhausted the past few months, but it's still going to be a few more days before I can get in to see a doctor and get things straightened out, but I've had a wee bit more energy since I found out and have been trying to do my best to eat right. Still tired but I don't want to lose customers over it. I've got 3 of 7 done so far.

I also just went through my embroidery floss for the first time in months because it was a huge mess and I couldn't find half of the colors I needed. Looks like a lot but I'm still missing a few colors, or at least running low on some. Going to have to take a trip to the craft store on pay day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I think this website is adorable, but I had to click "hell no!" like 4billion times to get this one.

Daily Drawings: Note To Self

Left myself a note before bed so I wouldn't forget what I needed to take to work.
Tuna - for the third day in a row because I don't really know what to eat with my diabetes yet.
Whole Wheat Crackers - To eat with my tuna cos I'm not really supposed to have bread
The rest of the Guinness Cake - so it won't rot in my kitchen
3 bottles of water - because my place of employment only sells sodas. The two I put in the fridge got stolen. WTF co-workers?!

Sun Sign. Moon Sign.

SUN SIGN - PISCESAlso unassuming, the Pisces zodiac signs and meanings deal with acquiring vast amounts of knowledge, but you would never know it. They keep an extremely low profile compared to others in the zodiac. They are honest, unselfish, trustworthy and often have quiet dispositions. They can be overcautious and sometimes gullible. These qualities can cause the Pisces to be taken advantage of, which is unfortunate as this sign is beautifully gentle, and generous. In the end, however, the Pisces is often the victor of ill circumstance because of his/her intense determination. They become passionately devoted to a cause – particularly if they are championing for friends or family.

Much like your brothers and sisters of the Wolf Moon tribe, you are no stranger to hard work. Many of you had incredibly challenging childhoods, and have overcome insurmountable odds. These circumstances can make you see the world as a harsh place, sometimes you may even be critical or jaded about people and the world. This does not make you blind to beauty, however and you appreciate physical beauty - particularly in nature. Flowers, trees, animals will all sing sweetly to you and carry you to other worlds where you can escape. Your life lesson is about escaping into these natural worlds more often & letting go of the cold hard facts of reality.