Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall Dining Guide Pt. 4

The top ad is from yesterday from before I had any of the images for this place. The bottom image is from today. They requested it be designed like the IHOP ad from our last dining guide. I made it similar but took some liberties.

Fall Dining Guide Ads Pt. 3

Or the edition I like to refer to as "The Client From Hell".

I loathe working on ads for Laughing Sheep Farm and Restaurant. Not only does the mere idea of their food make me a little queasy, the owner is a sadist. She hates everything I design. She will tell me it only needs a few changes which, in summation, ends up being the whole ad. She always sends a novel to put in one small ad, and then tells me it's too crowded. She hates the colors I use, etc, etc.

THIS specific ad, I have already redone FIVE TIMES.

If I didn't think it would cost me my job, I'd tell her to stuff it. Or at least tell her that we gladly accept ready-made ads from our clients.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall Dining Guide Ads Pt. 2

Fall Dining Guide Ads Pt. 1

This guy asked that he have the coolest ad in the new dining guide....
Not sure I achieved that, but I still think it's pretty cool.

The original was shot at night so it didn't have a ton of color in it. I went ahead and made it black and white, added a golden color to the windows and their light on the sidewalk. Made the sign neon green because he likes the neon green of his menus, and added some stars, etc.